Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Will my luck really change today?

That's what it says on the fortune. It was hiding in a slot in my pink wallet; I reached in the slot to see if there was any money in there, and lo and behold: I pull out this little fortune from a Chinese Fortune Cookie I had saved (a million years ago).

So does one really have "luck" as this little slip of papers calls it? Or is it really fate?

When I feel like getting into a crazy mood, I'll toss around the idea that "luck" is what guides the daily grind. But I know better. My "destiny" is guided by the million small choices I make each day, all day. Do I wake up early and jump out of bed to grab the day? Or do I roll over and grab twenty more winks? The outcome of that decision will guide the events of my day's beginning. (Crazy rush or relaxed cup of tea.) The little decisions grow into the bigger ones, and the results of all those decisions will form results that can be devastating or can be uplifting.

By the way, the word "luck" does not appear in Black's Law Dictionary, Deluxe Seventh edition. On the page where it should appear, if it were in the book, is an interesting concept:

lucid interval:
1. A brief period during which an insane person regains sanity sufficient to regain the legal capacity to contract and act on his or her own behalf.
2. A period during which a person has enough mental capacity to understand the concept of marriage and the duties it imposes.

So: does an "insane person" believe in "luck" and think that destiny can be controlled by words on a Chinese Fortune Cookie strip? Or is it necessary to "regain sanity" and understand that destiny results from the million little decisions made in life.

Gotta go, gotta do some work.


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