Zealous representation or ethical violation?
A new line has been drawn in the sand for any attorney who chooses to represent terrorists.
Now comes a word of warning to lawyers who defend, in general: DON'T help your client commit a crime using your attorney-client priviledge.
Draw that line for youself -- it may be very fine -- but do not cross it. If you do cross the line, you expose yourself to an ethics vioaltion as well as cause irreparable harm to our profession.
Attorney Lynne Stewart got away with it, barely.
"You can't lock up the lawyers.'' she complained upon her conspiracy conviction in 2005.
She caught a break: her sentencing Judge made a drastic downward departure from the Federal Sentencing Guideleines.
Click the link below to read the AP story:
NYC civil rights lawyer Stewart gets just over 2 years in prison
By LARRY NEUMEISTERAssociated Press Writer
Personally, I consider her a traitor.
A sad day for ethical lawyers ...
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