Thursday, September 07, 2006

Are criminals liberal or conservative?

After spending a long time thinking about this question (no, not really !), I started to wonder if we really know how criminals think and stand, politically. Is it important? That's another question.

Here's how this train of thought started:

I was thinking of the upcoming election season, and thinking that people sometimes put bumper stickers on their vehicle to show support for a candidate or a cause. Then I remembered that a bumper sticker could get your car in trouble, if the car were located in a politically sensitive area (read: opposed to the vehicle owner's political point of view). Think: a busted window, a slashed tire, or worse.

That raised a question in my mind: a criminal who was angry at a bumper sticker message might actually damage the car flaunting the bumper sticker because it reflects the vehicle owner's political position...

Then I remembered that vandalism is a crime, and worried about the political thinking of a criminal, and it led me to ask this probing question: are criminals liberal or conservative?


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