Sunday, September 17, 2006

Should cell phones be BANISHED from the plane?

You just have to wonder what people are thinking, sometimes. Or why they are not thinking at all, at least not thinking about the people around them. I am referring to the person -- no, make that people -- who stand up in the aisle the minute the seat-belt sign is turned off after touching down, and yammer nonsense into their cell phone.

They just HAVE to announce that the plane has landed, and then discuss the fact that everyone is wating to get off the plane, I'll see you in a few minutes at the luggage pickup, or whatever, yammer yammer yammer.

What is so annoying? These folks forget that we are all trapped in the same long metal tube, waiting anxiously to stretch our legs. But we are all prisoners to the inane cell phone conversation. Mutiply that annoyance by the three million other people on the same flight, add the egotistic maniac who shouts into the phone, and imagine all the cell phone users competing with each other for top volume. Ugh.

Should there be Federal Legislation to ban the use of cell phones all together, not just in-flight? After all, we can't bring a toothbrush and toothpaste on the plane, so why should cell phones get the AOK?

Just me ranting ...


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