Monday, November 20, 2006

Should this be your hill?

Once upon a time, I received some very valuable advice from a person who exercised an enormous amount of control over my destiny.

She simply said to me, "Pick your hill."

After a tiny bit of research, I finally understood what this wise woman was presenting to me. She was offering a bit of advice to me that military folks insinctively understand: Is this the hill that you choose to die on?

Aha! Now I understand: Pick your hill.

So how does that translate into real life?

I witnessed something in court that really hit the point home. Before you go ahead and argue with the Judge, (who, by the way, holds your client's fate in her hands) think twice: is this the hill that you want to die on? Or should you wait and save your argument with THIS PARTICULAR JUDGE for a better time.

Just me, thinkin' out loud again ...


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