Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Ten Commandments of Good Client Relationships

Several years ago, as part of a comprehensive client service initiative, the Queensland Law Society of Australia produced the Ten Commandments of Good Client Relationships. They are reproduced here for you.

Copy and paste them, print them out, laminate them, post them in your offices — take whatever steps you like so that these Commandments find their way to everyone in your law practice. If your lawyers and staff read and implement these guidelines, everyone — especially your clients — will reap the benefits.

Ten Commandments of Good Client Relationships

1. Clients are the most important people in the practice — in person, by mail or by phone.

2. Clients are not dependent on us. We are dependent on them.

3. Clients are not an interruption of our work. They are the purpose of it.

4. Clients do us a favor when they call. We are not doing them a favor by serving them.

5. Clients are a part of our business. Do not treat them as outsiders.

6. Clients are not "statistics." They are flesh-and-blood human beings with feelings and emotions like our own.

7. Clients are not people to argue with or match wits. Nobody ever won an argument with a client.

8. Clients are people who bring us their wants. It is our job to meet those wants.

9. Clients are the lifeblood of this practice.

10. Clients are deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give them.



Blogger Amy said...

That is very important information for attorneys to remember!

8:14 AM  

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