Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Is Google the “Government of the Internet?”

Google may be huge, but could it really become the “Government of the Internet?”

So says David. A. Milman, the chief executive of Rescuecom, in this article sent to me by LexisOne. His company was on the losing end of a trademark infringement lawsuit. His company repairs computers nationwide.

The article by Katie Hafner of the New York Times is a true eye-opener. The Internet produces a vast landscape of fertile ground for creative lawyers and novel ideas for lawsuits.

Read the article; see for yourself how creative thinkers have planted new seeds in virgin territory.

Happy Halloween.

We're Google. So Sue Us.

by Katie Hafner
The New York Times
Oct. 23, 2006

Google attracts millions of Web users every day. And, increasingly, it's attracting the attention of plenty of lawyers, too.

* * *

'We've got a formidable legal team, but obviously it's nowhere near the unlimited resources of Google,'' said David A. Milman, the chief executive of Rescuecom, a nationwide computer repair company that sued Google on trademark infringement grounds similar to Geico's -- and quickly lost. The company said that it would appeal the decision.

''People say you can't fight the government,'' Mr. Milman said. ''Google, in this case, is very similar to the government. They're the government of the Internet.''

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Can a Lawyer be Friends with a Judge?

Aaaahhh; ethics once again.

Certainly, ethical problems can and do arise when an attorney becomes friends with a member of the bench. But then wouldn’t the fear of ethical violation preclude the formation of a friendship between members of the bench and bar that might be based on mutual interests?

To me, it is a question that raises more questions than it poses at first blush. And it involves a situation that arises more often than one might imagine.

For instance, what do you call her to her face at a social function? Or in any venue outside the courtroom? It could be at a Bar association meeting, or at a seminar, or even at the grocery store.

As an old-fashioned traditionalist, I find myself sticking with the formal “Your Honor” every time. Yes, I know, Judges are people, too. But my Momma raised me to respect my “elders;” the term goes far beyond the concept of age as a determinative of “an elder.” The word itself connotes a position that demands my respect.

Why am I even worrying about this? I am in a quandary over this because I have a little task to do; and I am stumped.

Last week, my airplane seatmate and I were chatting. After the usual small-talk exchanges about our respective careers and geographical roots, my seatmate mentioned that he knows someone in the law from my neck of the woods: Judge John Doe. He mentioned the name, and I exclaimed, “I know him! He’s also an Adjunct Professor at the Law School where I teach.”

My seatmate asked me to say “Hello” to the Judge for him, and to give the Judge his contact information. Of course, I promised that I would do that, and we parted company.

So now, my quandary: How do I fulfill my promise? Do I call and leave a voice mail with our Adjunct Secretary? Can I even ask the Judge to call me? Should I? Or do I write a note to the Judge and leave it in his mailbox in our Adjunct office? And then I wonder, what do I say to him? Yikes!

Since it was such a troubling issue, and one that I am sure is not mine alone, I decided to dig a bit deeper. I wrote an email to a friend of mine who no longer sits on the bench.

Below is the email Exchange:

Nadine wrote:

How does an attorney address a sitting Judge at a social function? Let's say at a Bar association meeting, etc. (And add: the attorney does not appear before the Judge in any matter.)

I always address her as "Your Honor," even when she is wearing a red dress instead of a black robe. That's how my momma raised me. I consider it respect.

Thanks. I appreciate your input.”

My friend responded:

I think "Your Honor" is the appropriate manner to address a judge no matter what the circumstances. The reality is that Judges are never truly "off duty", no matter what the circumstances.

Once you address her in that way and she then suggests a different manner of addressing her, then her suggestion is appropriate. I actually know of many judges who get pretty upset if they are addressed other than "Judge" or "Your Honor" no matter what the circumstances. I remember a retired Judges who would have a fit if people did not address him as "Your Honor" in social situations, and he had been off the bench for over 10 years.

Now I will go ahead and leave a note for the Judge, secure in the knowledge that the formal “Your Honor” salutation is appropriate.

Just thinking aloud and sharing my thoughts...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Employment "Love Contract"

An associate pointed me to this avant-guard, thought-provoking topic.

More and more employers are asking employees in relationships with other employees (especially supervisors and subordinates) to enter into a "Love Contract."

In this particular "Love Contract," the parties acknowledge the voluntary and welcome nature of the realtionship.

The contract serves to prevent sexual harassment claims when the relationship sours.

And the relationship eventually will go bad ...

Thanks to Scott I. Barer
for this cutting-edge topic.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

A Chihuahua is a friend for life

This little guy reminds me so much of our darling Taco when Taco was just a wee pup.

Taco graced our lives with his presence for a very a long time, nearly fifteen years. In retrospect, it was just barely a moment in time. His life was way too short.

Taco is now an angel in Heaven, prancing and playing along with ChiChi and Rackie, our other two angel Chihuahuas.

That's why I decided to use this little guy as my profile avatar.

Statute of Limitations: Pay attention!

The Statute of Limitations thing is gonna getcha every time. I read the print off the pages in my Maryland Rules of Court. That book must be read front to back, including the annotations below the Rule. I saved one filing by doing that. It was a combination Immigration/Criminal appeal. This was another one of those cases that we shared with a fellow attorney.

Of course, by the time we were retained, the 30 days "Appeal as of Right" had passed. The Alien had pled guilty, and was serving his sentence. However, Dept. of Homeland Security (formerly INS) had sent him a notice that he would be picked up and held in detention when he was released. That's where we came in. I read every single page in the file, and discovered that he could petition the Judge to modify his sentence, and he could make a Motion for a New Trial. Both of these had a 90 day limit.

Well, here it was, the 90 days was about to run out on May 29. Lucky for us, that was Memorial Day weekend. The Court rules provide that when the day of the event falls on a Holiday, or any other day the court is closed, then the event due date becomes the following day. So we were able to scramble over the weekend; I drafted the Motion and an accompanying brief, and we filed it Tuesday morning.

Viola! We made it within the 90 days SOL in the Criminal Court. Then we had to worry about the detention hearing in the Immigration Court. I was able to scramble a Memorandum of Law for the Immigration Judge, asking that she continue his detention hearing until after the outcome of the Motion for New Trial in the Criminal Court. She granted that motion! We argued that his conviction was not "final" if there was a possibility that the Criminal Court could grant our Motion for New Trial. Pretty nifty.

Well, long story short: we lost our New Trial motion in the Criminal Court, making his conviction "final" for Immigration purposes. Thus, the Immigration Judge finally gave him deportation orders. As we often say, what a learning experience. The Alien's family plans to appeal the Deportation Order, but we declined to participate.

There is good news to the story on that case. We were able to place on the record an argument to change the law in Maryland. We want every non-citizen who is involved in the criminal system to have the right to an Immigration Attorney, as well as the right to a Criminal Defense Attorney. The Immigration Attorney would be there to explain to the non-citizen the Immigration Consequences of a guilty plea. And it would relieve every Criminal Defense Attorney of the obligation to learn the very complex Immigration Law.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Another disbarred attorney: making us all look bad

Why do stupid people do stupid things? Why would a disbarred attorney continue to represent clients AFTER disbarrment? I am mystified.

Attorney Barbara C. Johnson was jailed after an Andover Supreme Judicial Court justice held her in contempt for allegedly practicing law after she was disbarred.

Perhaps Johnson would prefer to have the state pay for medical care or room and board.

After all, an inmate gets free television and three meals a day as a guest of the state correctional system, right?

Todays's news ...

Disbarred lawyer jailed for contempt

Barbara C. Johnson, an Andover lawyer and an unsuccessful independent candidate for governor in 2002, was jailed indefinitely yesterday after a Supreme Judicial Court justice held her in contempt for allegedly practicing law after she was disbarred.

* * *

The Board of Bar Overseers recommended that Johnson be disbarred for numerous ethical lapses, including posting confidential information on her website about a boy who was allegedly sexually abused and mixing a former client's funds with her own.

Read the rest of the article here.


There is more to the story. The story goes back a few years. She called the process under which she was disbarred a "kangaroo court. She knew what she was doing was wrong. She knew she would be punished. But she continued to rattle her sabre.

"They'll disbar me, which is fine. I'll write my judicial murder mysteries," Johnson said. "I'm going to kill off a judge in the prologue of every one. It'll be like a Where's Waldo murder mystery, and I'll use real names for the judges."

Read this four year old article for the rest of the story.

Activist lawyer disbarred Barbara Johnson ran for governor in 2002

By Brad Haynes

ANDOVER - Barbara Johnson, the flamboyant Andover lawyer who fought for the rights of fathers, campaigned for governor in an antique fire engine and drove a hearse to Washington, D.C., to protest divorce laws, has been barred from practicing law in Massachusetts.

Read the rest of the story here.


I can only shake my head in wonder and dismay ...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Zealous representation or ethical violation?

A new line has been drawn in the sand for any attorney who chooses to represent terrorists.

Now comes a word of warning to lawyers who defend, in general: DON'T help your client commit a crime using your attorney-client priviledge.

Draw that line for youself -- it may be very fine -- but do not cross it. If you do cross the line, you expose yourself to an ethics vioaltion as well as cause irreparable harm to our profession.

Attorney Lynne Stewart got away with it, barely.

"You can't lock up the lawyers.'' she complained upon her conspiracy conviction in 2005.

She caught a break: her sentencing Judge made a drastic downward departure from the Federal Sentencing Guideleines.

Click the link below to read the AP story:

NYC civil rights lawyer Stewart gets just over 2 years in prison

Associated Press Writer

Personally, I consider her a traitor.

A sad day for ethical lawyers ...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Scams abound: at last, maybe some relief

Perhaps it comes a bit too late. Perhaps it comes just in time.


[The site claims to be] the #1 website dedicated to helping you protect yourself from clever scams -- online and offline! You'll find lots of great resources on how to avoid the most popular scams, viruses and urban legends making the rounds.

Plus, [the site offers] Resource Centers filled with suggestions for reducing spam, useful consumer tips, and . . . Scam Check Station.

[The site offers] a convenient list of links to all [the site's] most popular articles.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Trial Tips from Trial Lawyers

I was directed to a great new resource for attorneys to share trial practice tips.

Trial Lawyers Resource Center


Here is what their blog says:

[This is a] blog where a number of the USA's top trial attorneys join together with litigation experts to lend their expertise on topics that matter in your trial practice. Gain insight in case selection, work up, trial strategy, evidence, and post settlement issues. Contributors will regularly share their real life experiences and knowledge to help you represent injured consumers.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Tips for Client relations from the Maryland State Bar Association

Top Twenty Five Tips (plus one) for Client Relations (in no particular order)

From the Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) Division of Law Office Management

by Patricia Yevics

Realize that most of the tips that you will receive on client relations are common sense and not rocket science.

  1. The most important tip to remember is that good client service starts with good client selection.
  2. Develop good client intake procedures.
  3. Do not take clients outside your area of expertise.
  4. Send non-engagement letters to any potential client you do not take.
  5. Do not over-promise. If you cannot deliver on something you promised, contact the client immediately, beg for forgiveness and make certain you never over-promise with this client ever again. Clients are more likely to remember the promises you did not keep than those that you did.
  6. ALWAYS tell your client the truth if you make a mistake. Tell the client as soon as you know a mistake has been made. Most clients will forgive a mistake. They will not as easily forgive trying to hide a mistake.
  7. Stay on top of technology. Clients want to know that your firm (even if you are a solo) is one of the best and understanding and using technology can give you that edge. If you are not on top of technology, do not "brag" to clients that you are a techno-dinosaur.
  8. Make certain that your work is timely and you keep clients informed about all developments.
  9. Never give clients the impression that you are too busy to answer their calls or complete their work.
  10. Develop your fee collection policies, put them in writing and give a copy to new (and existing) clients.
  11. Discuss your fees and collection policy at the first meeting.
  12. Introduce your clients to your staff if you are in a small firm and to your assistant and others in your department if you are in a large firm. Often these staff will have a great deal of contact with your clients.
  13. Make certain that your staff understands that they contribute to the success of the practice. Regardless of how many people you have in your firm, the interaction your clients, or potential clients, have with your support staff or associates is just as important as the contact they have with you. Every person in your firm should be an asset to the practice.
  14. Every employee, regardless of how many or how few, should have the same enthusiasm for helping clients as you do.
  15. Contact clients regularly. Don't allow the only contact you have with a client be about some type of problem.
  16. Begin to call at least one client a week just to see how things are going. Keep the call brief, tell them the reason you are calling, and let them know you are there when they need you.
  17. Always return your phone calls within 24 hours. If you can't personally return them, have someone else return them.
  18. Keep your staff informed. If you expect your staff to contribute to your success, and you should, then it is important that you keep them informed about clients and your commitment to providing the best service possible.
  19. Never make clients wait longer than five minutes to see you. Their time is just as valuable as yours.
  20. Bill monthly and with detail. Show that there was effort in the work you performed. Consider writing a short note on each bill.
  21. Write a little "no-activity" note to clients whose matter had not been worked on in 90 days.
  22. It is important to communicate with clients regularly. Send clients copies of all correspondence related to their case.
  23. Call at least one client a week for no reason other than to touch base. Do not charge for the call and let them know that you are not charging for the call.
  24. Be available. Let your clients know that you will call them at home if you will be out all day. If you work on the weekends, you may want to set some time to talk with clients. You have to make a decision as to whether or not you want to allow clients to call you at home. This is a very personal decision. You might want to have a separate line installed at home that will be just for clients to contact you during "non­business" hours.
  25. Always say thank you.
  26. Ask your clients what they think of your work, your firm, your service.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Caution when you BLOG

It was bound to happen. The first time a blogger lost a libel suit, the blogger was ordered to pay fifty thousand dollars. That's finally good news for folks who have ben on the nasty end of bloggers who ruin reputations by posting nasty stuff.

Now, I am a frim beiever in the Bill of Rights. And I understand that First Amendment right to freedom of speech. But I also understand that libelious and defamatory statements are open to scrutiny. If truth is a defense to a defamations suit, then falsity is proof of liability, right?

Read the whole story here.

Or scroll down to read the entire article sent to me by LexisOne.

Copyright 2006 Gannett Company, Inc.
All Rights Reserved


October 3, 2006 Tuesday

NEWS; Pg. 1A

2250 words

Courts are asked to crack down on bloggers, websites;
Those attacked online are filing libel lawsuits

Laura Parker

Rafe Banks, a lawyer in Georgia, got involved in a nasty dispute with a client over how to defend him on a drunken-driving charge. The client, David Milum, fired Banks and demanded that the lawyer refund a $3,000 fee. Banks refused. Milum eventually was acquitted. Ordinarily, that might have been the last Banks ever heard about his former client. But then Milum started a blog. In May 2004, Banks was stunned to learn that Milum's blog was accusing the lawyer of bribing judges on behalf of drug dealers. At the end of one posting, Milum wrote, "Rafe, don't you wish you had given back my $3,000 retainer?" Banks, saying the postings were false, sued Milum. And last January, Milum became the first blogger in the USA to lose a libel suit, according to the Media Law Resource Center in New York, which tracks litigation involving bloggers. Milum was ordered to pay Banks $50,000. The case reflected how blogs -- short for Web logs, the burgeoning, freewheeling Internet forums that give people the power to instantly disseminate messages worldwide -- increasingly are being targeted by those who feel harmed by blog attacks. In the past two years, more than 50 lawsuits stemming from postings on blogs and website message boards have been filed across the nation. The suits have spawned a debate over how the "blogosphere" and its revolutionary impact on speech and publishing might change libel law. Legal analysts say the lawsuits are challenging a mind-set that has long surrounded blogging: that most bloggers essentially are "judgment-proof" because they -- unlike traditional media such as newspapers, magazines and television outlets -- often are ordinary citizens who don't have a lot of money. Recent lawsuits by Banks and others who say they have had their reputations harmed or their privacy violated have been aimed not just at cash awards but also at silencing their critics. "Bloggers didn't think they could be subject to libel," says Eric Robinson, a Media Law Resource Center attorney. "You take what is on your mind, type it and post it." The legal battles over blogging and message board postings are unfolding on several fronts: *In Washington, D.C., former U.S. Senate aide Jessica Cutler was sued for invasion of privacy by Robert Steinbuch, also a former Senate aide, after Cutler posted a blog in 2004 describing their sexual escapades. The blog, titled Washingtonienne, was viewed widely after it was cited by a Washington gossip website called Wonkette. In July, Steinbuch added Wonkette to the lawsuit. *Todd Hollis, a criminal defense lawyer in Pittsburgh, has filed a libel suit against a website called DontDateHimGirl.com, which includes message boards in which women gossip about men they supposedly dated. One posting on the site accused Hollis of having herpes. Another said he had infected a woman he once dated with a sexually transmitted disease. Yet another said he was gay. Hollis, 38, who says the accusations are false, is suing the site's operator, Tasha Joseph, and the posters of the messages. *Anna Draker, a high school assistant principal in San Antonio, filed a defamation and negligence lawsuit against two students and their parents after a hoax page bearing her name, photo and several lewd comments and graphics appeared on MySpace.com, the popular social networking website. The suit alleges that the students -- one of whom had been disciplined by Draker -- created the page to get revenge, and that it was designed to "injure Ms. Draker's reputation, expose her to public hatred ... and cause her harm." The suit also alleges that the youths' parents were grossly negligent in supervising them. *Ligonier Ministries, a religious broadcaster and publisher in Lake Mary, Fla., has taken the unusual step of asking a judge to pre-emptively silence a blogger to try to prevent him from criticizing the ministries. Judges historically have refused to place such limits on traditional publishers. The lawsuit cites postings on a blog by Frank Vance that described Ligonier president Timothy Dick as "a shark" and as coming from a "family of nincompoops." The suit says the entries are false and have damaged Dick's reputation. Robert Cox, founder and president of the Media Bloggers Association, which has 1,000 members, says the recent wave of lawsuits means that bloggers should bone up on libel law. "It hasn't happened yet, but soon, there will be a blogger who is successfully sued and who loses his home," he says. "That will be the shot heard round the blogosphere." Wild West of the Internet At its best, the blogosphere represents the ultimate in free speech by giving voice to millions. It is the Internet's version of Speaker's Corner in London's Hyde Park, a global coffeehouse where ideas are debated and exchanged. The blogosphere also is the Internet's Wild West, a rapidly expanding frontier town with no sheriff. It's a place where both truth and "truthiness" thrive, to use the satirical word coined by comedian Stephen Colbert as a jab at politicians for whom facts don't matter. Nearly two blogs are created every second, according to Technorati, a San Francisco firm that tracks more than 53 million blogs. Besides forming online communities in which people share ideas, news and gossip and debate issues of the day, blogs empower character assassins and mischief makers. Small disputes now can lead to huge embarrassment, thanks to websites such as bitterwaitress.com, which purports to identify restaurant patrons who leave miserly tips. DontDateHimGirl.com includes postings that have identified men as pedophiles, rapists and diseased, without verification the postings are true. "People take advantage of the anonymity to say things in public they would never say to anyone face-to-face," Cox says. "That's where you get these horrible comments. This is standard operating procedure." Even so, Cox thinks the chief danger in legal disputes over what's said on the Internet is the potential chilling effect it could have on free speech. Many lawsuits against bloggers, he says, are filed merely to silence critics. In those cases, he encourages bloggers to fight back. Last April, Cox orchestrated an effective counterattack on behalf of a blogger in Maine who was sued by a New York ad agency for $1 million. Lance Dutson, a website designer, had been blogging for two years when he posted several essays accusing Maine's Department of Tourism of wasting taxpayers' money. Among other things, he posted a draft of a tourism ad that mistakenly had contained a toll-free number to a phone-sex line. Warren Kremer Paino Advertising, which produced the tourism campaign, said in its suit that Dutson made defamatory statements "designed to blacken WKPA's reputation (and) expose WKPA to public contempt and ridicule." Dutson's criticisms paled to those directed at WKPA after word of the lawsuit spread through the blogosphere. Bloggers rushed to defend Dutson, and several lawyers volunteered to represent him. The media picked up the story and cast it as David vs. Goliath. Eight days after filing the suit, WKPA dropped it without comment. "We're not here to play nice with somebody who is trying to suppress the speech of one of my members," Cox says. Who should be sued? A key principle that courts use in determining whether someone has been libeled is what damage the offending article did to that person's reputation in his or her community. Susan Crawford, a professor at Cardozo Law School in New York who specializes in media and Internet issues, says the ease with which false postings can be corrected instantly, among other things, will force judges to reconsider how to measure the damage that is done to a plaintiff's reputation. "Libel law depends on having a reputation in a particular town that's damaged," she says. "Do you have an online reputation? What's your community that hears about the damage to your online reputation? Who should be sued? The original poster? Or someone like the Wonkette, for making something really famous? The causes of action won't go away. But judges will be skeptical that a single, four-line (posting in a) blog has actually damaged anyone." Greg Herbert, an Orlando lawyer who represented Dutson, disagrees. The principles of libel law aren't going to change, he says. However, some judges "might not think a blogger is entitled to the same sort of free speech protection others are. A lot of judges still don't know what a blog is, and they think the Internet is a dark and nefarious place where all kinds of evil deeds occur." Judges have indicated that they will give wide latitude to the type of speech being posted on the Internet. They usually have cited the 1996 Communications Decency Act, which protects website owners from being held liable for postings by others. On the other hand, under that statute, individuals who post messages are responsible for their content and can be sued for libel. That applies whether they are posting on their own website or on others' message boards. In May, a federal judge in Philadelphia cited the act in dismissing a lawsuit stemming from a series of postings on a website operated by Tucker Max, a Duke Law School graduate whose site features tales of his boozing and womanizing. Posters on a message board on tucker max.com had ridiculed Anthony DiMeo III, the heir to a New Jersey blueberry farm fortune, accusing him of inflating his credentials as a publicist, event planner and actor. DiMeo sued Max last March, claiming in court papers that his manhood had been questioned, his professional skills lampooned and his social connections mocked. DiMeo said Max, through the website, had libeled and threatened him, noting that one poster had written: "I can't believe no one has killed (DiMeo) yet." In dismissing the suit, U.S. District Judge Steward Dalzell noted that Max "could be a poster child for the vulgarity" on the Internet, but that he nevertheless was entitled to protection under the Communications Decency Act. After the decision, DiMeo ridiculers on tuckermax.com piled on. Max says more than 200,000 people have viewed various threads on his message board about DiMeo. DiMeo has asked an appeals court to consider not only the original messages about him but also those posted since his suit was filed. Alan Nochumson, DiMeo's attorney, says the criticism has amounted to an Internet gang attack, led by Max, that has significantly damaged DiMeo's business. Nochumson says when Internet users use Google to search for DiMeo's name, many of the first Web links that pop up direct readers to postings on Max's website that criticize DiMeo. Max says the claim is absurd. "The Internet isn't some giant ant colony," he says. "Different people from all over the country do things. I don't control them." Third-party comments Hollis' lawsuit against DontDateHimGirl .com could reveal how far courts are willing to go to protect website owners from third-party comments. His suit claims the site is not the equivalent of an Internet provider such as AOL or Yahoo, and that because Joseph edits the site, she should be liable for its contents. Hollis has sued Joseph, a Miami publicist and former Miami Herald columnist, as well as seven women who posted the messages about him. Three are named in the suit; four are anonymous. Joseph's attorney, Lida Rodriguez-Taseff, says Joseph does not edit postings, except to remove information such as Social Security numbers and addresses. "If a court were to find that the Communications Decency Act doesn't apply to Tasha, no website would be safe," Rodriguez-Taseff says, adding that if courts start to hold website owners liable for the content of third-party postings, "the only people who would be able to provide forums (would be) wealthy people. ... It would be like making the coffee shop owner responsible for what people say in his coffee shop. What this case would say is that providers of forums in the Internet would have an obligation to determine truth or falsity of posts." A hearing is scheduled Oct. 19. "The Internet has a great number of valuable tools with which people can do great things," Hollis says. But he says he's disturbed by how such false personal information can spread so freely across the Web. "Even if I had herpes, which I don't, even if I was gay, which I'm not, would I want to have a conversation about those things with an anonymous individual over a global platform? It's utterly ridiculous." Even if he wins in court, Hollis says, he loses. "Those postings are going to be out there forever," he says. "Whenever anybody Googles my name, up comes a billion sites. I will forever have to explain to someone that I do not have herpes." Basic defense for libel: The truth In Cumming, Ga., about 40 miles northeast of Atlanta, David Milum, 58, is still blogging. He is appealing the $50,000 judgment against him. Milum says he considers himself a muckraker and exposer of corruption in local officials. In the recent libel trial, his attorney, Jeff Butler, described his client as a "rabble-rouser" whose inspiration was "public service." Milum lost in court because he could not meet the basic defense for libel claims: He could not prove that his allegations that Banks was involved in bribery and corruption were true. Now Milum is facing another libel suit -- this one seeking $2 million -- over his claims about the alleged misdeeds of a local government employee. "I have a very wonderful wife," Milum says. "And you can imagine how wonderful she has to be to put up with this."

October 3, 2006

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Junk faxes

Federal law prohibits sending a "junk fax."

A junk fax is an "unsolicited ad" sent to a fax number. A sender who violates the federal law is liable for actual damages, or $500.00. If the violation is found to be wilful, the damage award triples. Of course, winning a lawsuit reguires a diligent effort to collect legally admssible evidence.

This is really good news.

In one case, a well-known restaurant chain was ordered to pay over eleven million dollars to members of a class to whom the chain sent unsoliciteed ads via fax. The legal fees on that one? Over three million dollars. Yes, three million.